Monday, October 01, 2012



3:30, 連我在內一共是八個人一起進到了一個教室
由program head稍微講解了一下Medical Laboratory Science這個program
還有為什麼要舉辦MMI (跟我上一篇講的差不多) 等等的

面前有一個prop, 有點像是模擬顯微鏡下的畫面
要我們compare and contrast the different textures and colours and forms of the different substances in each quadrant

接下來就是分成兩邊, 各有一樣的四個station
先發給你一張results sheet
you have to pretend that you are in the lab and the doctor is calling you about patient's results
"麻煩給我XXX的hemoglobin count"
然後你就得回答 好比說 "Hemoglobin count for XXX is 305.2 mmol/L"
接下來就拿出一個test tube rack with mock patient samples
you have to arrange them according to colour of the caps and then their medical #
and copy all the information down onto the sheet
(name, date of birth, medical #, tests required etc)

下一個station是situational question
You have two minutes to read and think about the question and 6 minutes to answer:
"If you analyzed your friend's partner's sample and found that he is positive for HIV,
what would be the ethical dilemma here and what would you do?"
我必須保持我的職業道德, I don't have the rights to share any patient's information to anyone
Apparently it has happened in the real world to one of the faculty members
so I guess they want to see how people would react to it

再下一個station也一樣是situational question
"Two days before a very important group project presentation the girl responsible for putting together the presentation just went through a mental breakdown because she broke up with her boyfriend. What would you do?"
嗯 我當下的想法是 "把他的部分再divide up among the 4 of us, so she only has 1/4 of the original workload to do. 雖然他這樣是不對的, 但都已經在節骨眼上了大家也只能多體諒一下幫幫他"
考官又問我 "那如果其他人都不肯幫忙呢?"
我說 "除非他們願意就這樣拿零分 不然也這能這麼做了吧" 之類的

The last station just asked me to describe what I know about the work that Medical Lab Technologists do, and whether I have any knowledge about the lab work. So I just basically described the areas of med lab (microbiology, clinical chemistry, molecular biology, hematology, transfusion science, and pathology) 等等的.

And last but not least, off to the computer lab to complete a 20 question multiple choice test.
有一些questions relating to the science stuff, and some really random logical questions
像是給你四個圖案 問你接下來的圖案應該會是什麼 之類的

總之 三點多報到 一直到快五點才走出BCIT
整個就是精疲力盡 @@
反覆練習了很多interview questions 一題都沒有問 XDD

據program head說 最多搞不好會需要"several weeks"才會決定
嘖嘖 等待的滋味可真不好受 :S


  1. whoa!!!!! 啪啪啪啪啪
    先給妳鼓掌~~ 這些問題好 professional 阿!
    妳的答案都很好呀! mental breakdown girl 那題也不錯呀~
    而且說真的 "除非其他人也想拿零分嗎?" It's awesome! XDDD

    會過的!!!!!!! :)

    1. TOTALLY AGREE!!!!! Great answers! I don't think I would have answered so 圓融. :D
